Charter Services San Francisco
Depending on whats in Season choose from Salmon, Crab, Rock Cod, and even some massive Tuna!
San Francisco Salmon Fishing Charters

Salmon are great fish to fish for in the San Francisco Bay area, because they spend some of their time in fresh water and some of their time in salt water. Salmon hatch in fresh water, and they live in the fresh water stream until they are big enough to migrate downstream to the Pacific Ocean. They then live as saltwater fish until they reach maturity, when they migrate back upstream to the place where they were born. They then span, or lay their eggs, and die. Fishing Charters San Francisco’s fishing strategy for salmon changes depending on the time of year and where the salmon are in their migration. We use both drifting and trolling methods to fish for salmon, and our salmon fishing trips are great for all ages and abilities.
San Francisco Tuna Fishing Charters

Albacore tuna make their yearly migration north every summer and early fall, between July and October. During this time, we send out our fastest charter fishing boats to troll jigs and pitch bate to catch these kings of fish. We fish anywhere from 40 miles to 80 miles offshore, and if you have not experienced the adrenaline and excitement of a Fishing Charters San Francisco tuna catch, you’re in for a treat!
San Francisco Crab Fishing Charters

Every winter, from November 1 to January, is crab fishing season at Fishing Charters San Francisco. We sail out to the Farallones Islands and set many traps to catch delicious crab. Each fisher has a limit of 6 Dungeness crabs that they can catch. While we wait for the traps to fill, we fish for many other species of rock-dwelling fish, and we pull up the traps as we make our way home. When you arrive back in the harbor, the staff of Fishing Charters San Francisco will be ready to cook your catch!
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