Salmon Fishing Charter San Francisco, Tuna Fishing Charter San Francisco, Crab Fishing Charter San Francisco, Rock Cod Fishing Charter San FranciscoIf you are looking for an amazing experience with a fishing charter, you have come to the right place at Fishing Charter San Francisco. We offer great prices for a range of budgets with our fishing trips. You will feel the excitement of your big catch of fish, and the enjoyment of being out with nature, on one of our fishing charter adventures. Whether you are looking for a salmon fishing charter, a tuna fishing charter, a crab fishing charter, or a rock cod fishing charter, we have the fishing charter you want at the price you can afford at Fishing Charter San Francisco. Call us today for more information. San Francisco Salmon Fishing Charter
San Francisco has great salmon fishing, with large schools of salmon in the area. Salmon are born in freshwater streams and rivers. They live as freshwater fish for a certain amount of time, and then they migrate to the ocean, where they thrive as saltwater fish until they are fully mature. Toward the end of their life, they swim back upstream to the place they were born, braving many dangers, in order to spawn at the same place where they hatched. We at Fishing Charter San Francisco offer fishing charters for salmon fishing, both with trolling and with drifting techniques. We welcome all ages and all abilities on our salmon fishing charters. Read more: Salmon Fishing Charter San Francisco Tuna Fishing Charter
In the summer and early fall, from July through October, Albacore tuna make their annual migration north. We offer fishing charters and open parties to fish for tuna during this time. These fishing trips can range from 40 and 80 miles offshore into the Pacific Ocean. We fish for the tuna by pitching bait and trolling jigs, and visitors and staff alike relish the excitement when we make a catch. If you are looking for an exciting, good time with your fishing charter, our tuna fishing trips with Fishing Charter San Francisco are a great way to find it. Read more: Tuna Fishing Charter San Francisco Crab Fishing Charter
Our crab fishing trips at Fishing Charter San Francisco are offered from November to January. Our charter boat fleet takes your out to the Farallones Islands, where we lay traps and then let you fish for other species of rock fish. After we have been there a long time, we pull the crab traps back up as we head toward home. The limit for Dungeness crabs is 6, and our Fishing Charter San Francisco staff is ready and waiting to cook your delicious crabs and fish for you once you arrive home. Read more: Crab Fishing Charter San Francisco Rock Cod Fishing Charter
Between November and January, when we bring visitors to the Farallones Islands to fish for crab, we have a long time to wait for the crab traps to fill up, before each visitor reaches their limit of 6 Dungeness crabs. During this time, we fish for a great variety of other rock dwelling fish and rock cod. Read more: Rock Cod Fishing Charter | 
